10.Altea to Santa Pola

A chaotic day!!

We woke to the sound of torrential rain. We delayed…and delayed our departure…but it did not stop!

So pragmatism was the order of the day. We decided to make a dash for the ‘tram’ station! 

But first…we were roundly told off by a fellow resident in our apartment staircase! We had seem him doing some painting the evening before…and here he was again…paint brush in hand…to paint over a tiny tyre mark on the wall (of the very narrow stair!). Nothing a damp cloth could not have cleaned in a second! But no…he had to paint…! Ho hum…..

The station was but five minutes away…but already we were soaked! It was torrential!!

It had to be done though!

A full English Breakfast in Benidorm!!

Ten minutes on the tram…and we had arrived…ready for another mad dash in the rain down to what was billed as the best breakfast in town!!


But funnily enough the streets were quite busy! As if this was all so normal for all the Brits!

Anyway…we found this gem…..Caspers!! It was classic…as we watched a pair of ladies at the adjoining table. Straight out of Coronation Street. Hilda Ogden was there (seriously…complete with head scarf), gassing with an ageing Bett Lynch wearing a too-short pink mini skirt exposing well-tanned but overly-breakfasted thighs!

The breakfast was….ok. Classic English style. 

But it had to come to an end….as we headed back into the rain….before another train ride on to Alicante. 

It turned into a metro-style train in Alicante….and with bikes….we took the lift out of the station. And arrived here!!

So strange…like some sort of portal…there we were in the middle of a roundabout!

And no…the rain had not stopped…and no train connection to our destination. So we just had to go for it! We were still damp when we started. 22 kms later….and we were drenched!! Dripping wet!! And so keen to get into our wee house! We had given our host our exact time of arrival. And we were there on time. Wet. Shiveringly cold. But no sign of him. Not reading messages. Not answering his phone.

15 minutes later he appeared….not in a car as we expected. But out of the door to the first floor flat!! He had been there the whole time! FFS!

He then proceeded to tell us that we had to download an app to unlock the door!! And my phone is too old!! Haha! Thankfully Corey’s worked. We cranked up the aircon to 30 degrees…..and created our own drying room!!

It was merely drizzling when we made our way to find beers. But jackets were still very damp…so it was a chilly session….finished off with a fantastic kebab back in our drying room!

We did not see much of Santa Pola…..but this was a funny end to a funny day….



  1. Robyn

    Hilarious description of the ‘Coro girls’ LOL

  2. Jude

    I had breakfast at Caspers! You do have to love Benidorm for being exactly as expected

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