66. Portomarin to Ribadeo

I had to wear my biking jacket every single day of the first three stages of the ride…including all the way through Morocco. I then left it in Santiago…and have not needed any second layer…until this morning!!!

It was cool….and very misty. Indeed ‘mizzling’ is possibly more correct.

My tyre was soft once again…..and once on the way…I had to stop frequently to clear my glasses. Impossible to see. Actually fairly miserable….until well after midday! 

For all the rides  Shennae has accompanied me on…this was our first day of rain! Spain…in August!!!

You have probably been reading about Spanish heat waves! Well, not here in Galicia!!

We stopped in Lugo for breakfast – bacon and eggs would you believe – probably a lovely large town…in the sunshine!!

So no photos today…until quite late in the day.

Some very pretty landscapes…

…but Ribadeo itself was somewhat disappointing! I did laugh to myself though: thinking this looks like tidal mudflats…but the Med does not have significant tides! Until I realised of course that we were now on the Atlantic coast!! Duh!!

Our host at our accommodation had hand-drawn and coloured a map of nearby beaches and attractions! Very cute really! However after another double-tonner….we were not going anywhere!!


1 Comment

  1. Corey

    Bacon and eggs – was this the first time you’ve had this since the mighty Benidorm??

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